Prison phone calls made cheaper

With our plans you can have longer calls at cheaper rates.
So when your loved ones call from prison, you can take your time.


Numbers Connected


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How It Works

Talk more pay less

Choose a plan that works for you

Once you’ve selected a plan you’ll be asked to complete a registration form and set up your payments.

We send your new number

You will then receive your newly activated landline number within one working day

Let your inmate know

As soon as you get your landline number you can use it. Ask your inmate to add it to their contacts.

Enjoy longer calls at cheaper rates

We’ve helped many people talk to their loved ones for longer at lesser costs, and we can help you too. View our Plan

We have a plan to suit everyone

Our main aim is to reduce your cost when speaking to a loved one in prison. Once you are connected to a landline number, you can talk more whilst you pay less. Don’t forget, you can also answer your calls anytime and anywhere.

Cellish Plan

Unlimited Minutes
No Contract
No Connection Fee
Inmate Charged Landline Rates
Inbound Calls Only
Easy Cancellation
Select Plan

Connecting loved ones for over five years

Cellish has helped many people talk to their loved ones more at lesser costs! We also want to help you make the most of your phone calls with your loved ones.

What our customers say

Frequently asked questions

Its all in the slogan – Talk More, Pay less. With our Cellish plan you will be able to speak with your loved ones for longer amounts of times whilst paying
less! Prisoners spend up to ⅔ less on Phone calls with Cellish. Prison sentences can be hard and lonely, being able to pick up the phone is one of the easiest
ways inmates can connect with their loved ones, so longer phone conversations at lower rates can make a huge difference to your inmates sentence.

Yes, your inmate is charged.  However the cost at which your inmate is two thirds lower due to your Cellish plan, which connects you to a landline

Once you have made your payment, you will be connected to a landline number within 24-48 hours.

With this number you will receive unlimited minutes per month at £19.99 per month.  This is not a contract and you will not be charged a connection fee or any other fee of that matter.

Your inmate will be charged landline rates for the amount of minutes you spend on the phone.

Just send us an email and we will cancel your monthly subscription.  It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Get In Touch

If you have any questions or for more information, get in touch with using our form and a member of our team will come back as soon as possible.

Alternatively you can contact us via: